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This is a pretty inspired idea! I haven't played much of Vampire Survivors or other games like it, but controlling a mob is an interesting concept that stands on its own. It's like you're coordinating a swarm instead of the "main character", and I dig it. The pixel art was appealing, and I was engaged in chipping away at the vampire's health. This is a pretty solid and polished game jam entry. 

I will note that pressing keyboard keys to place objects on screen was a little awkward. I kept thinking "I have only two types of units; why can't I just left-click and right-click when I'm already using the mouse to aim?"

I also felt that I struggled to create a distraction with the knights as intended. I eventually figured out it's best to place them farther away and the vampire will prioritize walking to them. But his attacks felt too erratic, far-reaching, and unpredictable to make any meaningful strategy around this. Though maybe that just speaks of my unfamiliarity with these types of games?  

Anywho, congrats on the successful entry!


Thanks so much for the detailed feedback! We had a lot of ground we wanted to cover and ended up having to cut a lot due to time constraints, as it typically goes in the jam! 

On the topic of keyboard presses, we actually wanted 3 units total, with the addition of a wizard/archer. A stretch goal was to have the 3rd unit unlockable and would've been summoned on the E key. But after the jam, while sending this to our friends, we realized man this game would've lent itself to mobile pretty easily. We wanted to have a HUD anyway with icons of each unit, and it would have been very easy for us to have two methods of input. 1) The QWE keys dropping on mouse placement, and then 2) Selecting a unit via the HUD, and left clicking/tapping on the screen to drop the unit. 

Our other stretch goal, was having items spawn that would've grabbed the vampire's attention, such as powerups, shields, and health potions, but the would still always prioritize the knight. That would've created gameplay where if you didn't have a knight, distracting the vampire and guiding him away from those things (and hopefully not toward!) you'd be in trouble. 

There's a little bit of insider info for you :) once again thanks for the feedback and we enjoyed your game as well!