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This was one of my best experiences in this jam! The visuals are very unique, and together with the audio, they really set the mood and atmosphere of the game. The gameplay is super engaging, I like how each instance has little clues, and each loop more and more gets uncovered about the world. The story is also great (although I didn't really get the ending).

For a 48 hour game jam, this is some seriously well made entry. Incredible job!

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you for the kind words :)

the main idea for the ending was just that the game kind of "breaks" now that the conscious observer (the player) is gone, but i had to rush it bc i was running out of time, so it ended up being very abstract and abrupt. i feel like abrupt undercooked endings are a common thing with story based jam games, at least in my experience of playing them lol