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i gave it a go for the first time today, it took me about 40mins to complete the tutorial campaign. i checked out the first two missions of the slow-day campaign, but that looked like it was only target practice so i passed on that

i'm not very good with real-time strategy games but i think i did ok in here. either way, keep that in mind when viewing my feedback since i don't think im your target audience

excellent setting. i love modern/urban high fantasy.

solid execution of gameplay. things move fast, make sense and are easily understandable and readable. i wasn't confused by an action i did or by the enemy reaction.  i did however have an issue with chaining commands.

 from the tutorial text, it seems like it SHOULD be possible to have team 2 execute an action when team 1 finishes (ie: red team opens door and throws flashbang, blue team enters) or even both teams simultaneously do an action (i assume this was the intended way to go about the first room of the first real mission, since it has two doors and you have two teams). i had no idea how to get this working properly, though.

what ended up happening was i would just use them as one unit instead and give them one big action chain (breach with c2 then flashbang then enter then clear). again it's clear to me that this is the incorrect way to play this, but i couldn't figure out how to do it otherwise. there was a key prompt (X/Y ?) but i didnt accomplish anything with that (or i wasnt told that i did?). this is perhaps the one step where hand holding would be beneficial. something simple like "team goes in when player's flashbang explodes" would be really great to be tutorialized better. again, this isn't my genre in any way so perhaps i'm being a complete brainlet, but it really does feel like there is a methodology that i'm missing and that's not clearly explained.

one issue i had near the end of that level was with flashbangs. two last guys are hiding in a small room near the end. my guy has a flashbang and i'm out, so i get him to throw one, with my mouse cursor in the room. he throws it in the direction of the mouse, but theres a wall there, so he throws it at my feet. it would be nice if the AI was smart enough to interpret my command and throw it inside the room instead of towards the mouse

anyway, i was able to beat that mission with no casualties and some arrests (770 points out of 1000 or something like that, a solid C+)

some other things i would consider is having more detailed environments. plain brown rooms with doors isnt that interesting. in a game like this where you're bringing order to chaos, it would be fun to see a bit of the chaos the player causes. a c2 charge blowing away debris, or a stack of nearby office paper, or who knows what else might be really fun to see. since you're in a fantasy/urban setting, who knows what an office wizard might have on his desk that gets shoved away by a satchel charge exploding nearby.

i also saw some door comments. i'm playing on 51.1-5, which to me had clear door movement indicators. i had no issues with doors, except that theyre super wide (but i guess im a gobbo so it's proportional?)

either way, it was a lot of fun. i'm sure people who enjoy real time tactics game would have a blast with this.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the effort!

My tutorial is better than what I had last time but it still fails to explain some things.

For example use -> nade does make the AI aim at the cursor, it's meant to have them bounce nades off wall or be precise with their throw
While Move -> and use -> nade is how you get squadmates to reposition before throwing one.

Cryptic, I know, I need to explain things better.

But thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you had fun.