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It's such a simple yet effective word, isn't it? "Please?" How can one refuse such a simple, polite request?

I was honestly pretty hypnotised by this game, from the second I booted it up I got immersed in this other world with its distinctly dystopian feel, building full of seemingly ill or troubled people and a mysterious machine presumably providing power for us all.

The mechanics are simple enough, review requests for work to be done by studying the photographs pushed underneath your door and then head to the basement(?) to find and fix whatever is broken.

The real meat of the game comes from the slow build-up of the crushing claustrophobic climate as you lurch from request to request without questioning a thing. And the ending will leave a lump in your throat.

This is definitely worth experiencing, so you can perhaps deduce the ending in your own way. I hope somewhat keeps up the great work, such thought-provoking, beautiful games!


Thank you for playing, and investing this time into analyzing and reviewing it so thoroughly. It was fun watching you play through it!