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Heyhoo, thats a nice game you have made there!

The concept and gameplay feel very nice and I like it!

Would have wished the day to be a little longer and the night to be a lil shorter (because I had trouble harvesting, selling AND planting in one day). Also sometimes the harvesting menu was overlapped by the player or just didn't go away when night suddenly started while being on the field.  And the player could have been a lil faster in my opinion.

All in all, an amazing game for the 48h jam! Hope to see an update in the future! :D


Thanks! I was planning on making the hour go slower but since it's a game jam I didn't wanna waste people's time by making them wait til night haha, wanted it to be fast paced so people got the idea quick, I'll definitely extend it after the game jam I also found it overwhelming to try to do all these tasks at once but I got good at it later on.

I'm aware of the UI issues I didn't have much time to polish and fix these little bugs, hopefully they weren't game breaking though.

Also you can run if you press Left Shift (Controls in itch page of the game/tutorial), thank you for all the feedback and for playing I'm glad you like it, you can follow me to see updates for the game, I'll definitely add more content, make it more fun and less repetitive while also polishing it up!