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(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely love it! such a creative idea. My only problem is that it is really hard to select a ghost, so most of the time, I accidentally get one ghost to go to the one I was selecting. and if you get your ghost to surround pac-man's spawning area, you basically just won the whole game. Despite these flaws, it is a really: good, fun, and creative game! (:

Thank you ! Much appreciated !
If you right click before you attempt to select the other ghost you deselect the current ghost and the situation you described is solved :)

(1 edit)

You're welcome! I was thinking that if you continue this game after the jam you could make each level or world a different game's enemy: like the Koopas and Goombas in a mario level, the enemy ships in Galaga, or the cars from Frogger. I think each of these games could work very well in the strategy style your going for. If you do you can bet I'll be following to progress of the game!