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Hi all, I'm juunishi master, the programmer.

My updates will be less visual than naga's updates, but I'll try to put screenshots in later progress.

Until today (3rd January 2016, GMT+7), I breakdown the features need to be implemented in my notes so I could keep track with what should I work on first, what follows next, and what I have done/haven't done yet.

If you wondered about the game title (that is too long), it's actually my idea. LOL. We might change it to shorter one.

Meet the programmer, everybody! ^^ Don't worry, she will share us her wisdom about programming after I finished all the needed assets. (I ... think? I don't know anything about programming so I'm just assuming. *got smacked*) She helped a lot by pointing which assets I needed to finish first (and how), so I didn't ended up lost in progress. Also, I know this game jam from her (and she suggested collaboration), so I owe her quite a lot to be here. ^^