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(1 edit) (+2)

Oh wow, it was such a nice, well-composed experience. Very calming. GREAT art. It reminds me of the game "Florence".

I also like how the theme played into the game. "Role reversed"... hahaha, nicely done.

The web version did crash, though. Otherwise, this was fantastic!!


Thank you so much! We love the game Florence, it was part of our inspirations. So it really means a lot that our game makes you think of one of our references.

Yeah, we sadly didn't manage to fix the bug of the web version before the end of the GMTK. But don't hesitate to download the Windows version if you want to discover the end of the game, this one doesn't have the crash problem :)

Thanks again for your comment!


Duly noted. 

I love Florence as well. It is one of the reasons that I started learning game dev altogether:)