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(3 edits)

Bug: In the screen just right of town, at night, I fought a skeleton, a bone got thrown at me. I lost the last of my HP during that hit. I clipped somehow through the ground (diagonally hit a corner?), fell through the terrain, then fell forever. The screen then kept scrolling right to the far edge, and stopped at the scroll-to-next-area boundary.

Got a soft lock, and could not activate the UI at all to try to reset myself, had to escape out of the game.

Ah I think I know what's causing that. Will get it fixed. Thanks!

Hey ,Can i Ask you how did you download Trynsilvania ?????

I have only Mansion demo ????

maybe that was on an old version of the demo? it was a long while back that I made my post.

I think I read on Twitter that the dev is sick right now, but I suspect he'll reply after he gets better.

The proof of concept demo was removed a couple of months ago because it’s completely outdated (and people were confusing it for the current state of development)- The Mansion Demo is the one here and then on my patreon I have the whole Bram area (and an updated mansion). Eventually that demo will make its way on here as well

(1 edit)


Can I have The Outdated version ??????


And When The Full-Version Will Be Ready???????