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Remember to keep the same resolution for all graphics element, the life indicator is different for the rest of the game. Music/sound is good and make the job. Difficulty….not very difficult but too much ennemy, ennemy spawning alert !!!!! You need to repair things, i kill the ennemy in the are, try to repair, ennemy spawning on me !!! battle, try to repair.. ennemy spawning….well you need to equilibrate that.


Yeah, I agree with the points you mentioned. Originally, I had planned to have two programmers/designers on board, but unfortunately, I ended up working solo on that front. Admittedly, the resolution inconsistency of the assets is an area that needs improvement. However, given the tight deadline, I had to prioritize other aspects of the game.

My main focus for this game jam was to develop an AI system for my multiplayer 3D game, and that consumed a significant amount of my time. As the deadline approached, I hadn't had a chance to balance the gameplay properly and had to prioritize finishing it.

However, I do plan on iterating on the game in the coming week or so. I would greatly appreciate your feedback if you would be willing to give it another try after I work on balancing it. I've designed the game with flexibility in mind, allowing for extensive tweaking to achieve the right balance. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I couldn't fine-tune everything.

I am determined to polish the game and address the balance issues, and I would love for you to join me on this journey. Thank you for playing my game and providing valuable feedback. I truly appreciate it, and I'm fully aware of the areas that need correction. I'm excited to make the necessary improvements! 😊


You can do it, every step forward is a learning.