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(1 edit) (+1)

Clunky controls, didn’t get used to them although I’ve finished the whole game. Most times I’ve felt like i have lost not because i’ve done something wrong, but because of the controls. Anyway, witty idea, aesthetics are amazing, game design is quite strong too! Really good game jam game and quite lenghty too!

Edit: Just now I found out about changing the controls layout in settings (at first I thought that it is for rebinding the controls, not changing how they work, so I didn’t bother). It is more intuitive that way, but still.. something is a little bit off about controls here (maybe because I got slightly used to previous “not too comfy” layout? dunno at this point ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )


Thanks for playing! Might need to spend more time tuning my controls next time. I feel the game needs a bit more hinting especially on more representative levels like 9 (EVERYWHERE). If you haven't already you can try switching the control layout by pressing ESC. Thank you for the feedback!