Very good! Boss telegraphs very well and everything is easy to understand. Great job!
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Very cool concept, I like the narrative details, although it's a bit too spooky for me lol. I had fun writing sigils and it wasn't too hard once I figured out what I needed to do. I think I ran into a bug with the second boss. The game sorta just halted after I finished the final sigil and I couldn't continue. Other than that this great overall. Great Job.
Thanks for playing! Sorry about the errors in the intro section, I thought it would be fun but I can see how they might appear legitimate to others, also sorry about your hand lol. The spinning mechanic would be a bit better on a device with a stylus like the Nintendo DS or maybe on mobile with a touchscreen.
Thanks for playing! I am really happy I was able to spend some time on narrative in this jam although I've had issues with some players getting confused by the introduction. I learnt a lot about audio during this jam also and thanks to my recent foray into shaders I was able to get some nice effects in game. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it!
Very challenging but fairly designed. Bosses telegraph well, and I think they have just the right amount of health. I had some troubles with the controls but luckily you had rebinding options! Still fat-fingered a lot tho and died a bunch haha, kinda wish it had quick restarts, but that's a small thing. Great entry, good work!
Oh wow, this is amazing. I love the controls and mechanics, the combo and stagger system feels great, parrying feels fair. Bosses have health right in my sweet spot alongside moves that are telegraphed nicely and timed well. I absolutely adored the boss intro for the spider also. This was fantastic, great job!
Thanks for playing, sorry about the difficulty, I felt it was safer to go easier than harder, especially with how taxing the circle drawing mechanic can be. The boss's health is actually calculated using the average heavy attack damage of the best weapon in your inventory and multiplying it by around 6 haha. I think I intended for a boss to go down in 6 heavy attacks or 200 light attacks.
Sorry the game begins with fake errors about not being able to connect to a server, I don't think I have any actual error messages that appear in-game if Playroom fails. For multiplayer you need to have someone else with the game open available to play with and share your room code with them after pressing multiplayer on the main title screen. Your friend can then enter this room code on the main title screen before they press multiplayer and they should appear in your game.
Very tight mechanics, simple to grasp and not too difficult to perform! I really liked dodging through attacks to get an increased fire rate and a shield. The bosses might be a bit too spongey, but I feel at this point it might just be a matter of taste haha. All in all very solid gameplay-wise! Great Job!
A very creative take on the theme. I really like it but I'm really bad at it. It's a bit frustrating to play and the boss has quite a bit of health. I do like how you can charge your attack with shift, and the way the dragon moves around the screen is really cool. This is an excellent entry, just a bit tough.