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I’m not sure if my board was a bit odd, but first I was very careful with the walls, but then I tried disregarding walls and the red cube just moved through them no questions asked, no penalty. I’m guessing that wasn’t part of the design idea.

Some minor thoughts:

  • It would be nice if my mouse cursor disappears when clicking and starting to drag the board as it’s rather disrupting having it move about.

  • The new ball position would have been nice if it could not be the same as the last position, because that’s where my red cube already was, and it was a bit odd that I then had to leave the ball and come back to it for the collision to count.

In general the game was very clean and nicely presented.

Thanks for playing, and your feedback! 

Yes the collision algo is buggy at the moment. It was too late for me to fix them. I thought to wait until the reviews are done to fix them and publish.

Yes I agree on the first suggestion, and the second one was in my head as well but could not execute on time. Will be added in consequent updates!

Thanks again for your comments!