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The movement was smooth, it was hard making the jumps sometimes but other wise was good. enemy spawning worked well and so did most of the enemies movements

Getting the knife didn't feel like the roles were reversed as you are still the one being hunted but now you can defend yourself. 

the hitboxes were janky, with a small knife and enemies killing you while not touching you, you also die instantly which is punishing but death is delayed which can be annoying as its not exactly when you were hit.

overall a decent game, with some better hitboxes and maybe a health system it would be fun to play however it does not feel that unique an the overarching concept and gameplay loop has been done before.


I agree with you. I really should have set my priorities straight before jumping in the development and even before that I should've come up with a better idea that fits the jam.

I thought 48 hours would be enough to make something complete but I was wrong xD. Nonetheless, I did learn a lot during the period of the jam.

I'm excited to see what others have cooked up during these 2 days.

Thanks for your feedback :)