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wow! very unique concept. love the idea of contolling the ice level instead of him! just a small detail but at first i was confused how to controll between adding and removing ice, but then i got it, it moves towards the cursor position. btw Nice to see the new Godot version to run well. but how did you do that displacement thing with the ice?

Hey, thanks for playing! You played this really soon and we haven't filled out the page completely yet, will add some instructions to it at some point :)

The way I displace is that I have a bunch of points which gradually move vertically to the mouse when it's held. I have a polygon collider for the terrain, but for optimization reasons, only part of the points get set on the polygon (this happens dynamically throughout the game).

I don't know if I'm clear, but either way you can just see how I did it -

Thanks for playing!