Yay, playable tech demo!
Bugs encountered so far:
* Trying to start a mission with decent provisions put me into an "overencumbered" state, though this seemed broken: Even using or dropping the entire inventory did not clear the state, neither did leaving and re-entering the dungeon, only restarting fixed it. The flag not getting cleared/recomputed properly?
* The training field slots show "right click for details" but if you right click them while there's no minion in the slot yet, it tries to show character details of a null minion, causing the game to crash into "not responding"
Thanks for the detailed descriptions. It helped me fix both of them right away. Though I couldn't replicate the freeze with the overencumberance, I made it so you can no longer start the dungeon overencumbered. I plan to allow you to upgrade the encumberance limit (and have certain classes (e.g. ponygirl) increase it as well) in case you want to take "decent" provisions with you (i.e., buying up more than half the shop).