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Cool puzzle game, reminded me "I exect you to die". Thoughtful puzzles and tough but doable balance. 

I have only one major complaint about vertical movement. I see it is not necessary for gameplay at all. But it made me feel sick especially when at some point it began to move me down below the table without possibility to stop that movement. So I passed to my son to replay to see the second half of the game :)

Minor one, maybe a bit more relaxed pace would be better. A good thing you can protect yourself from turrets with hands.

In general I liked the idea and implementation a lot, great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback Kuzmaka - from what you're saying, it sounds like you weren't aware that Up & Down on the right thumbstick controls the vertical movement, so I imagine not using that would give you quite a different experience. I did want to put in a controls overview at the start but unfortunately I ran out of time for that, so I had to resort to putting that on the game page (which is easily missed) - I'll definitely put it in for version 2 though!

Maybe give it another go and use up/down on the right thumbstick to control your movement and see how it feels then?

As for the vertical movement not necessary for gameplay, I see how you would think that - however it inherently is... As it's a zero gravity environment (which is kinda necessary for the plot ) any important items can spin off anywhere, so it's necessary to still be able to grab them no matter where they go - hence the movement style. However, putting in distance grab as a different solution would then unfortunately  make the other gameplay elements too easy. They have to be time consuming enough so they are a challenge against the time critical threat, such as filling the O2 tanks. Hope you see what I mean there? I'll have a think about alternatives though...

Glad you enjoyed it regardless, and thanks for the review!