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The moment the first NPC spoke I could tell you're a Banjo and Kazooie fan :P

But hot dang this is mighty slick man. Very enjoyable and feels very well polished. Plus the whole look and feel comes together very nicely.

I lost track of the objectives after being told to go west to the farm, and while it said "[press 0]" to show objectives I couldn't bring it back up or figure out how to go further west than the map seemed to allow. (Not playing post-jam version)

Ended up finding Hobo Santa up north though and had quite a lot of fun "making use" of the lil' gift on the ground there ;)


I suppose we should have made that much clearer, it's "O" not "0". If you're interested in seeing the rest, if you go west of the town on the road at the very edge of the map you'll hit a trigger you have to press 'E' on to go to the farm.


Ooooooh well now I just feel silly xD Don't worry I didn't factor it into my rating so you weren't unduly punished by my decaffeinated brain.

I'll probably D/L the post jam version and check it out :D


I'm planning on adding a bit more polish this week in a 2nd post jam version, so keep an eye out for it!

the second post jam update is live! Now including hard mode!