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You have good takeaways. Gamejams seem like something that's done in a flash - you give it your all, and you either come out on top, or you don't. In truth jamming is a long game - you try, you fail, you pick up the pieces, and learn to rearrange them in a different way - not even during one jam, but months and years. It's quite the journey :). 

Congrats on picking yourself up despite the intial failure!


Thanks for the wonderful words!

Indeed, over the course of the jam I quit it twice even though I didn't even press the Join button until there was only 20 mins left to the deadline.

Perhaps the reason for me to only join jams on the last hour nowadays is part of the fear of failing in a depressing way, such as threatened to happen during this jam.

But I figured out my own method of getting back on track for a fresh try and fresh mind and dropping some personal requirements of quality and content to create anything.

Perhaps this will also boost my confidence and courage on future jams as well.