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(1 edit)

Very difficult, mechanics however are both its virtues and its vice. 

Overall the momentum feels wrong, Wall jumping goes further and faster than just jumping alone, and there is no control on the wall jumps in that I can't just feather the jump button off a wall to make a short gap, but rather would need to run up the wall and fall in the direction to make the gap, otherwise wall jumping the same gap causes a me to overshoot the gap by a unreasonable amount.  I feel like there was little correlation in how long I held down jump or when I released it. 

That said I see how map level design could be made to work around these limitations. 

I feel like there may have been a disconnect between the  mechanics design and level design. Like there was no level design to properly illustrate concepts or capabilities of what jumps could or could not be made. And I would guess there were last minute tweaks to the level design to make jumps possible. The game is hard out of the gate and merciless. 

Interesting design, execution has much to be desired. 

Good thing is that there are a lot of mechanics available, giving room for creative approaches, however the  of each mechanic gives little confidence to experiment. Certainly this maybe one of those hardcore platforming games at heart, but its expression needs to be through solid controls. 

Jam theme is a bare minimum.