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(2 edits) (+1)

Smalls suggestions: allow to look a bit further. The screen is pretty close IMO, and you often don't see buller/enemies coming from below. I lost often some lifes because of that.

Put the face close-ups in the gallery too.

Make that the ranged enemies don't shoot immediately upon spawning. It would make less frustrating when one spawn just next to you and snipe you. I would also suggest that you add a small flashing or animation before they shoot to avoid being sniped when finishing them (Since you need being close to devour, problem that isn't present in other shooters.)

The camera function is a good idea. Coded it as soon as I could, as for the gallery having the player portraits, I'll have to put it on my to do list because I'm uncertain if the current layout is what I want to stick with till the end. I am doing a general overhaul and code cleanup for the enemies next but that may take some time, I'll be sure to add a telegraphed fire for the vermin.