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we aint doing this discord v itch shit again cmon. all im gonna say is, if you're a bit sensitive, stick to itch, if you can take jokes including dark humor etc. come to discord


Nah.. there is so less people in dc making good dark humor or jokes. Best solution is less talking more playing. 👍


well itch users mostly get offended because of the jokes there, but yeah, thats a good solution too


Yes i understand but.. Some of discord users starting to bullying the kids.

Kids maybe can't understand the joke in that moment but not a reason to attacking and joking on they with ur friend group.

true, some are unmature I agree with that


I agree that some are immature but jokes are often insults. It doesn't bother me but don't let it be said that Itch is less mature than discord.

well their jokes are often offensive


Yeah. + kinda bully us itchies.

(Proof provided by the 3-4 v 1 I had yesterday)



i didn't start the fire....

(1 edit) (+2)

we didn't start no fire


srsly though


We didn't start the fire