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(1 edit)


So today I hope to really get into the nitty gritty of my game. I've drilled further down into my chosen verse and uncovered the real theme of my game. Now to start working and developing around that theme. 

Next step was figuring out some characters. Although I knew I wanted a basic assortment of fantasy characters like a warrior, knight, sage, and archer (plus 1 secret character yet to be unveiled), I wasn't sure where to go and whether I wanted to go all-in on fantasy or sci-fi or a mix of both. As I watched Peppa Pig with my son, I thought the art looked nice and simple, so started sketching some of the pieces. From there things started taking shape and I came up with a scene of a fair. I think I found the initial setting of my game!

Then this morning I started working on quickly roughing out some characters based on the classes I picked out above. Rather than figure out character details right now, I went with a bigger picture to figure out the general mood and personality from their pose. Now what I want to do is start homing in on who they are with more specific details and explore their personality a bit. I'll also do another draft of my initial story which you can read in the previous post.

Lastly, the game won't be called Vandal Hordes as I initially aimed for, since the game isn't about them, but about the main theme of my entry, having confidence in God.