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you are indeed meant to figured out the plants yourself instead of having a lil book telling you everything you need to know, i should have expected that some players are not into something like that, ill make a Notebook people can access to see details of the plants!

For graphics, while yes i did used and asset pack, i also did some modifications myself to to add even more detail for the game, other people i rate who uses assets packs i usually just give 2 stars or 3 if they used it very well

the "generative farming " plays a role in the game in a form of 3 different mechanics, "crop rotation" planting different crops in rows, "companion planting" which already been explain in-game, and "water harvesting" in a form of only having your water supply from a pond you need to take care of 

The seasonal theme actually played a big role on your way to earn money through the year because some plants that usually take a couple months to grow or even more actually can fully grown in  a single month if planted in the right season ( a slight hint with the color of the seed bags )

anyways thx for the feedback and ill hook you up with a new update if you feel like you can give this game another try if i fix most of this issues