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simple but cool! i like the pixel art for the rats, its very charming c: 

the mayor and king rat seem to be swapped as i went from merchant to mayor, which skipped over the king's slot :0 that slot then unlocked next

for some constructive criticism, i would suggest having it so you can click & drag over rats to send up multiple at a time, to make it less click intensive! plus perhaps automatically spawning a rat every now and then?

but that aside i did have fun :D i enjoy the concept of levitating rats into the stratosphere hehe, and the detail of their silhouette behind the podium was a nice touch! great job :D


Thanks for the feedback! I’ve really been meaning to update the game, but haven’t had much time to get around to doing so. Hopefully that update will include performance boosts and some automation so the game isn’t too click-intensive. Again, I’m really glad you enjoyed the game, and thanks for the feedback!