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Well, the game is nearly done. I spent a little while tweaking things, adding vibration on my fake phone call ringing screen, and so forth. This just might be the simplest and non-game-est game in the jam, but I'm just happy to finish something, and to have it be something I'm at least somewhat proud of, because I think it's vaguely interesting.

Last night's progress was tangential to the game itself, but because this is a sort of story/alternate-reality sort of thing, I decided I needed a real web page to go along with the fictional foundation in the game, (with a link in the app back to the web page). Turns out you can get a .space domain for 1 year from NameCheap for only $2 or so, which is pretty awesome.

I did spent a little while today trying to make the html version work, so people without Android devices can see the game run just by visiting the web version. But turns out that I'm using FreeType, which isn't supported on the web/gwt target. I don't really have the energy to factor that out into platform-specific code, so I'll just end up losing anyone that can't run the android or java version :-/

Oh well.

At this point, the only things left are getting my wife to record her voice part, and test, test, testing.