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(1 edit) (+1)

 getting an error when using this now, any help on what to do?

Im getting the same error im going to see what if i can figure it out in anyway

Hi! It's hard to troubleshoot without seeing a screenshot of your setup, but make sure that the tileset.png is set as a new scene, and that the name of the png-file is both unique and without spaces. You can hit me up on discord if you need more in-depth help!

i got it thanks

I'm getting the same error, how was this resolved?

I did it hard way 

Oof. I found the solution on discord, my tileset name was incorrect which I only discovered by looking at the GBVM symbols.

I had the same issue: I deleted and recreated a scene, but it didn’t change anything. Gb Studio kept the GBVM variable names in memory, so I modified them through the editor and it was fine.

Same, I expected it to regenerate the tileset name when I renamed the background, but it didn't.