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Your game looks pretty fun, but I think there is an issue with the linux build (I run Fedora 29) and I get "Could not display 'MobGlitch.x86_64'"

Sorry for that. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to test on other platforms apart from Windows and Web. We are currently working on this problem and will let you know as soon as it gets fixed. Thank you for letting us know!


You need to right click on the file, click permissions, and check "Allow executing file as a program". The problem turned out to be a simple one.


I'll give it a play when I get off work. Run the command `sudo chmod +x GAMEFILE` If you run that command before uploading it, future users shouldn't have that issues.


Just beat the game, I gotta say. It was beautiful. The mechanic was super fun and actually made me play through a few times. lol Great job!


While developing we thought that the game won't be fun because the mechanic seemed too simple. I am glad it turned out to be fun and that you also like the art.  Thank you for the compliments.

That is a great advice. Thank you very much! We'll definitely do that.