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Good job!

  • I liked how quickly you died, It made me super on edge the whole time
  • Some UI suggestions here, don't put dark text over an even darker background. I would switch all your text to be white. It'll improve the legibility a ton.
  • Controls for this kinda game can be a bit hard, since the ships perspectives don't match the player. So its hard to give a "right" solution here, but I would still invert the movement directions currently set.
  • Because the game's so dark the galaxies really stood out. I would brighten the ship up a bit and darken the galaxies. I kept trying to "collect" them. I highly recommend watching some "Color theory in shmups" videos. Shmups have some of the best color theory in games, because its so vital to the game. 
  • The game's graphics were great!

Thank you very much for your feedback! 

I'm glad you liked the game. we will take your tips into account. We know the game is really hard and we spent a lot of time trying balance it but we didnt really find a good solution. i dont actuall know why we invert the controlls but now we know that we should stop doing so.

Overall great work y'all.