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gfhjghj as always i like reading your little devlogs on stuff like this. feels like you went on SUCH a journey just to get this game ported and i gotta say, i don't envy your struggle but man the amount of things you've worked on just to get this to android is just,,, your patience is amazing lol kudos to you for getting all these ducks in a row though!! if i had an android phone id try to download it and play this version of it just to see all your little changes in action!! sadly i don't but i think it's enough to see all the cool little notes of progress you've made here and what you've ended up changing from the web/PC version (and gfjh i can't help but wonder if translating OW to android app would be better or worse because it's much more lengthier but like you said potentially less finagling so,,, curious,,,)

Ahhhhh thank you!! IT REALLY WAS A JOURNEY LOL. I'm hoping that some of it was unique to the (bad) way I set up and coded this game and that if/when I attempt it again for something not quite so (horribly) coded, it won't make for quite so much work LOL 🤣💦 Because I would definitely love to try it for my other games now that I am familiar with how the process works! Indeed, OW is much longer but it doesn't have all the complicated animated UI stuff or all the manual alignment of elements and text the way I did with this... so I feel like I'd probably be able to just tweak some text sizes and boxes and menus a little bit and then mostly have the rest of it fall in line........ unsure tho and it's not something I'd tackle I think until the whole game is done, so I'll save that for future Carrot to try out HAHAHA