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Art is absolutely stunning and easily the most consistent part of this game, though it's weird that the protagonist's sprite doesn't match her dialogue art.

Writing is honestly terrible and there's far too much of it. Intro could maybe be half as long and still get the point across, and needs to stop explicitly stating the mood it's going for - trust in your descriptions to create those feelings, otherwise it sounds incredibly awkward. Once actual dialogue begins the characters just act completely nonsensical; I don't know if this was intentional to try to give things a more dreamlike feel but it just didn't land for me.

Gameplay also felt a little off, mostly because of the player moving faster in the air than on the ground, though I also had some issues with the camera lagging behind and not letting me see where I was going, particularly when going downwards. Would also be nice if the bow was a bit faster or didn't stop you while using it. Bossfight was lame but that's forgivable for a jam game.

Basically: kudos to the artists, gameplay needs some polish but is ok, writing needs a lot more work.

Thanks for your feedback!

We appreciate your compliments on the game's art and apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unfinished protagonist sprite.

Regarding the writing, we understand your concerns about the excessive dialogue. We will work on making the intro more concise and improving the coherence of character interactions.

In terms of gameplay, we acknowledge your observations on movement mechanics and camera visibility. We'll address these issues to enhance the overall experience.

Thanks for understanding the limitations of a jam game. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate it!