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(1 edit)

ahhhh I don't wanna write but I've procrastinated this review for far too long

That's some quite nice handwriting I just got here. Wish it was like that in real life

Ever since Rico I've become interested in scholars, that word just sounds so cool heh. I was obviously quite interested by this since it was supposed to talk about the bad parts of being one.

It's quite a sentimental one indeed. I like how you portrayed all those feelings, you can feel that this is personal. Such mastery can only come with real experience, and I find it quite cute your friend's experiences are in it too.

[SPOILER AHEAD SPOILERS } (why is } the right bracket, why did it suddenly become a curly one? Also, I just discovered those are called CURLY BRACKETS HAAHAHA)

One of the most powerful moments in my gaming journey was here. I came in this blind, just knowing it was very sentimental and about scholars so I really did not expect that suicide scene. Of course I thought it would be a turning point where things go for the better, but instead you went through with it, you committed. I think kinetic novels are so SO good for this. Multiple ending VNs with lots of choices are good for horror, romance, funnily-silly VNs, but sentimental VNs really shine like this.

And then, after I had already praised your brilliance in subverting my expectations, there came another bit of text, which me, in all of my haste (which is probably quite infamous by now) accidentally skipped and couldn't PgDn fast enough to re-read as I was forcefully brought to the main menu. The only part I quickly read: "Choices now unlocked". That. That was such a powerful moment. 

I needn't talk about how smart the decision to make this a kinetic novel first truly is.

The choices didn't feel at all as though they mattered, it was just repeating the sad story or trying new stuff. But maybe that is part of what makes it so powerful. The fact I wondered whether telling the truth to the parents was the right choice probably says something about me that I am not sure I want to know haha... Haha...

I feel as though the girl didn't get as much spotlight as she could have gotten, but I am fine with it nonetheless. Actually, it makes the game much easier to write I guess, but I dunno, I like side-stories hehe. Perhaps it would feel too packed with her taking a toll too.

Erven's room has some anime posters, so I suspect he is secretly a weeb (A secret he holds even from himself)

As usual, I read the script. No nice lil introduction this time hmph! I initially got confused with the "As an 8-year-old child" and understood it was a flashback only after a bit of thinking, it seems you also got confused there haha. (For context, you added #? at the end of that sentence)

Erven looks so buff in the final cg lmao

And now, the final part, typos, at least I believe them to be

"How's your exam preparations going?"

"The sheer amount of academic work Erven has to shoulder was overwhelming"

"Ugh, I wished I wasn't involved in this."

"and but the words"

"I was able to relieve all the pressure I felt when we're together, so..."

Too tired to write why I think they are typos, it's been 30 minutes ever since I started this review.

Thank you for the game!


Hi again! Thanks for playing Save You, and I’m glad the message I put in this VN came through!

The part about Erven being a weeb— I guess you can interpret it that way, but the truth is that the free-to-use BG I found just happened to have anime posters in them, haha.

Anyway, glad the VN resonated with you and thanks for leaving a comment! 

Btw, which type of comment do you prefer? Well-thought like this one, my live reactions like in REDemption Zone or my short ones like in Chocolate Catastrophe?

I am currently playing the Crysmalia series (Very good) so I will use whatever you answer to react to those. It's the least I can do after all

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Haha, thanks for the consideration! But honestly I enjoy reading your comments in any format, so feel free to write according to your mood and preferences! I notice that many people write in terms of their stream of consciousness, so if you usually write like that then feel free! The comment section is for you to express yourself, after all!

Oh yes, and hope you enjoy the Crysmalia series ^^