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Very cool!  I like what you did.  A couple suggestions - maybe do a palette with 5 colors, including the bright green that GBStudio uses for transparency.  Otherwise the palette is only good for background tiles and not characters.  The other thing is why did you call it "GB&J30"?  That seems like a weird thing to have to look for on the list of palette presets.


Is that not showing up in the file I uploaded? That's strange, as it is showing up in mine. I will fix this -  thank you so much for letting me know!


Thank you for taking the time to make something cool and sharing it with everyone!


PS, I'll change the title to your recommendation. Since it was for the jam, it was "GameBoy&Jam30" GB&J30. But it seems  weird, you're right. If you've got nothing, I'll probably just call it "GBS5"