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(1 edit)

Hmm, it would appear I falsely assumed I had discovered the locations of all of the probes, leading to a revelation in my own irascibility. Certainly, a Guide of some sorts would alleviate this irritation!

(This game's great, but I thought I'd scoured the map thoroughly enough, only to find I had 8/9 probes. I'm not going to tell you where in further hopes it'll egg you on to making a new guide :) )

PS: When I downloaded the game it only had the contents from within the www folder, and not the game itself. Thankfully, I had the prior version still and simply put the new version's files inside the www folder, and it all runs fine.


Ohh, you've talked me into it! I'll get to work on a new probe guide here soon!

And thanks for the heads up! I did something wrong with the distribution package, so I'll be adding a fix here in a little bit.