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Comments below clip:

As per usual, NIven Hedinger delivers another nail biting horror game.

Household chores... Yikes. But, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Everything's hunky dory, until a stranger pops up in the building. As he has no good intentions, and the police warns of a serial killer on the loose, we have to ask: will we make it out alive...? Will we see it through until the very end...?

Play the game [or watch it] to find out.

Didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved.

What an absolute delight! Your feedback is always so profound and just artistic. Thank you for supporting the project and leaving a positive comment. I wish the best to you and your channel, likewise. Cheers!


@ Niven,

You rightfully deserve it, my friend :o]