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To tell you the truth, I really liked the game, the atmosphere!

But I got stuck deciphering Dr. Kaminski's diary... the answer might have been right in front of me, but I'm probably very dumb xD

Really no need to feel dumb. We knew that wouldn't be everyone's favourite puzzle. ;-)

I guess you have probably figured out that you can swap two characters by pressing two buttons successively (e.g. pressing A then B swaps all As and Bs in the text). Start with the word at the top - seeing that this is a diary page, it should be obvious what it's supposed to be. And only one of the thinkable words fits. The second line may not be so obvious yet but is also a phrase frequently found in a diary. Maybe try the first word in the third line first (the one with the apostrophe). If you got this, too, you have almost all the vowels identified. Then try to identify words throughout the text. (ek)


I've figured it out! Thanks for the tips!

And managed to finish the game!