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Sorry, i'm noob into this CNC world.
After watch the youtube video instructions i figured out how to make it work.
Now, i need to know how to configure the Offset X, Y and the area limit, also, the size of the image to be printed/carved.
I'm using GRBL software.
I will open new topic about this specific new question.

Thank you

Glad to hear you're figuring things out :) The included User Guide also serves as a thorough reference for everything you can encounter in PixelCNC. Though for newcomers to CNC and milling/routing in general it may not be as useful as a tutorial to get you up and running. For most operations the key is knowing what your machine and cutting tools can handle. This determines the range that your spindle RPM speed and cutting feed rates should be, as well as your cut depth per pass and step-over size

Typically, a good rule of thumb for most hobby tabletop machines is to use a step-over ~33% of your cutter diameter for most end-mills. For a depth-of-cut it really depends on how much force your machine can handle. A more rigid machine can handle a deeper cut depth per pass, which makes use of more of the cutting edges along the end-mill's length. Conversely, a less-rigid machine will not be able to take such deep cuts and will need to keep cuts rather shallow, which wears out the tip of the cutter much faster because it's doing all the cutting while the rest of the cutter is underused.

As PixelCNC approaches completion and the intended workflow and usage methodology becomes finalized it will be easier to put out more tutorials and example projects to help newcomers become more familiarized with the basics of PixelCNC as well as demonstrate the more advanced techniques for accomplishing all kinds of wonderful results for a variety of different projects. This will be sometime after PixelCNC leaves alpha and enters the beta phase of development - when the focus moves from adding features and functionality to chasing bugs and polishing the existing feature set.

By my estimate the transition from alpha to beta will be toward the end of the year which also means shifting gears from development and feature implementation to PR and marketing mode - and really putting PixelCNC out there. There's still plenty of great stuff coming down the pipe over the next months that I'm really excited to put into the hands of both existing users (at no extra charge!)  and future PixelCNC users who are looking for something that is simple-to-use while also remaining powerful in its range of features and capabilities.

Please feel free to ask any questions or offer any ideas or feedback that you may have, however big or small. There's always a need for more suggestions and requests from end-users. Admittedly, no promises that everything suggested will be added in - only because there's already plenty of work to be done - but anything that's not too complex and is beneficial to the overall user experience is, to my mind, well worth the time and energy spent.