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(1 edit)

While I think about it...

There's been a few times it's "save is from too far back a version, have to restart". That shouldn't be an issue for me (think this one is from 48) but how long before people will have to restart again because you did something that causes it to not work right? 

Edit to add something: how do I delete a save? I messed up, and accidentally saved when I shouldn't have. I thought it was in appdata somewhere but now I'm not so sure (I'm on a Windows computer).

there's a "readme" file in the game directory saying where the save files are stores in your version. i hope you can fix your version problem!

It mostly depends on if I change the core code in some way. That doesn't happen much now that the game has been in development for so long, but you never know.

To delete a save file, go to options, and it'll be at the bottom!