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ppkkw, I understand you're angry but relax man, it's just a game! however, you're right about the audio. I speak English as a first language and I have recorded it, slowed it down, reversed it, changed its pitch and I still can't find anything. Its not very clear, maybe some good feedback for Zastor to clear up the audio a bit so we can solve it? 

p.s whats this Photo you speak of??? i cant find it at all?

(2 edits)

The audio looks like an anagram.
In the end, the only thing I interpreted was the front. 
in that part 
"set... s...hado nom (shadow anomaly) for ligh...t open me uaually airft in a cof"

Like "shadow" and "nom," I think "airft" and "in a cof" are pronounced as they seem.

I think the important part is "set shadow nom for light"

This is the best interpretation for me because English is not the first language.
I just want the producer to reveal the secret.
I was under too much stress because of the game.

I reported anomaly for all light as shadow anomaly, and reported all shadow anomaly as light anomaly, but found nothing.

I cleared it that way and found nothing.
I'm tired now. I'm angry.
The Secret hidden in the game by the producer should have rather not been known as "hint."

You should think of it as an anagram for reverse playback of audio. List (s..hado nom -> shadow anomaly)

Then you can make a better interpretation because your first language is English.

Thanks for the feedback. I guess it's a bit too difficult now. It's pretty hard to evaluate how easy it is for other people to understand it. It just seems so easy to me because I know what it says already. I'll look into it and maybe make some changes later.

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You think it's easy because you know the answer.
I'll give you a question. It's a very easy question.

If you get the answer to this question, you'll say, "Why did I think this was so difficult?"
All problems are easy when you know how to get to the correct answer.
The problem is difficult if you don't know how to get to the right answer.

I understand that. I'll be making some changes to it.