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Hi, My name is Simon, Si for short.

About me.

I have always been a creative kid. Loved drawing, making stuff with paper and glue and playing music. I play guitar and Plano and always enjoyed games.

I would make games on my Spectrum and commodore computers. If you remember them, then you are probably my age. Born in the 70's, and was a 80's teenager and still to this day living it young.

I don't  rush to compete projects. I take my time on something to get as close as I can to my vision. What has always driven me is just my passion. Not money or fame but the best thing about making games is knowing you or someone out there is having fun playing them.

My History:

I started making digital games in 2012. I quickly learnt to use stencyl and Flash AS3 and made games for Kongrate and the long lost Mochi-Media. I leant from others on you-tube and now I use Unity3D for most of my digital games.

Thanks for reading this far down. Keep up the good work. This site has some really nice games to play and its good to be around other creative people. Send me a message or something. It be nice to know more people on here.

Cheers for now.

My cube icon box is something I made in under 10 mins with MS image composer. It is my digital box and I just like the look of it :)