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"Hyperinflation Simulator" - The mandatory cyclic expenses increase at a fantastic (and accelerating) rate. Even cheating, using an autoclicker, I was just barely able to pay off my bank debt before the skyrocketing costs were impossible to  meet, in a literal sense ( [Allowable Clicks Per Cycle] x [Maximum Per Click Income] + [Maximum Background Income] < [Cyclic Expenses])
The victory condition doesn't trigger - even having paid off the debt I was left just going through the motions until the (mandatory) fail condition was met.

Fun concept, excellent writing.  Needs either a win condition or retweeking to make winning impossible if that was the design intent.

Hi, I'm glad that you liked our game! Our intention was definitely to make the player struggle and feel as though they are just barely surviving. The win condition has since been tweaked so that the player would win immediately when the debt is paid off. Prior to this change the player had to pay off all their debt + pay off that cycle's bills to win. Also, we've updated our game to include the player art and buy icons that better matched our upgrade descriptions. Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it!