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Fun game! Excellent interpretation of the theme. I especially liked the parallax on the background trees, the home-recorded sheep sounds, and the crazy-long leaps. Probably no one else will have this particular reaction, but your shepherd runs up and down stairs (with W continually pressed) the way I do in my dreams, so I found it strangely calming and reassuring. I know that when I made my first platformer in Unity (OK, only platformer so far), I thought of the character clinging to the walls as a bug, but I like the way it works in your game, because it seemed like I got an extra chance sometimes if my shepherd almost made his jump: I could imagine him barely holding on with his toes and swaying and scrambling to try to get to the top of the cliff. I thought the map was just large and complex enough to provide a challenge, especially given the radar that showed up at exactly the right time. Rule tiles are cool, aren't they? My only suggestion for you (for your next platformer probably, since you may be done with this one) is to click on your original sprite sheet of tiles and have it render one pixel less per unit: or at least do this on the background tile(s). I found Unity sometimes flashing gaps between the tiles if I had them rendering at their native size, and I saw this in your game. 

Oh, I just saw that you're going to try Godot. I haven't used it, but I hope it works for you. Good luck, and thanks again for the fun game.

Hey thank you very much for the reply and feedback. I appreciate the positive reaction here since actually until a few days ago the game was very buggy and clunky. I'm glad after following the advices of a more experienced Unity user I finally fixed all the bugs. But yeah, I'm moving to Godot. Unity doesn't seem to be built for 2D.

By the way this might be disappointing to hear, but the sheep sounds aren't home recorded. They actually came from lol and I just randomize the pitch.