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I only had about 30 health on the last board.  Mainly, because I thought I had beat the level and was walking to the door and all the mobs spawned around me.  At first I was single clicking to shoot, I didn't realize you could hold down the mouse.  I think once I figured this out, it made it a little unfair for the AI.  I think if you had some cooldown time for the reloading it might make it a little more balanced.  Good job overall.  There could definitely be some more polish on the hit feedback from both sides, when I was hit, I wasn't aware except I saw the health dropping.  At one point, I was being shot from the right and couldn't see where the attack was coming from.  Maybe having the screen glow red in the direction the shots are coming from or a minimap to show the direction you are being shot at could help improve this, if you continue to build on this.  It's impressive that you managed to get this done within the 10 days allotted as a solo developer.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you lyghtkruz for playing the game!!!! I tried a lot to keep the reloading timer cooldown but never found the time for it and I myself had faced the issue where the shots were coming from one side and I could'nt understand where it was coming from or why I was losing health. I will surely try to rectify it now and also and the reload timer. Nevertheless thank you for playing my game and reviewing it with full honesty!!!!! It would be helpful if you rate it. Thank you!!!