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(1 edit)

it is possible that the asset    Character Set: Human-Animal Hybrids Free Sample --- is a sample ,,,  most samples are not licensed for distribution thus they want you to buy the full version of it.   This is only a guess though


ps --  follow me on here for future jam's, i will be posting free chars  for usage in either unity or unreal (i can adapt for blender as well) if you ever need animated characters. I currently have 2 up for unreal and one up for unity -   other will be patched today to include unity. these are high quality 5 level LOD characters that i give away on here.

Thank you for your response. This package doesn't have any restrictions requiring a purchase; it's distributed for free, which aligns with the game jam restrictions. Thank you for offering your work as well! I also create models for objects and characters myself, but this time I spent a lot of time on level mechanics, so I had to rely on free assets.