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Really great look. I'm not sure how much the attack works -- maybe a little more animation would help. The switching to the other realm is a neat surprise. Your game does really well to interact with the player, by giving instructions when needed and guiding them through the level. I think the game only becomes confusing once you give the direction that you can inhabit other things besides humans. From there, I wasn't sure what to do. With work this could be really cool. Nicely done!


Thank you for your feedback, really appreciated! Maybe a visual hint when you approach the mouse (like "Q to possess") can help players realize more easily they can possess animals too.


Yeah, something like that might work. Send a message when you've done more work and i'll check it out. Good luck! Oh, and your tutorial and directives are really great for the most part. It's so tricky trying to balance gameplay and guidance to the player.

Thank you, will do!! :)