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I've tried with both images and in my pc it did not crash. I've even tried with tile mode (that is more memory hungry). May be it's system or platform specific bug? would you please tell me on what system you are trying? I'm using linux, with 6GB RAM, 2th gen i5.

Thanks again!

I'm using windows 10 with 8GB of ram and 7th gen i5, so i don't think it's a problem with my hardware. Perhaps there's a problem with memory allocation in windows?

Here's a quick peek at what i'm working on. Right now most of the assets are placeholders, since i'm mostly focusing on the code to begin with, but you'll play as the robot that's currently floating, instead of the pair of jeans holding the gun, once i add legs and animate it. The normal map isn't good because I didn't use a "height map" style image to make it.

Cool Project!!

Surely is not a hardware issue, but memory allocation could be the problem. Some time ago i found some bugs with big images in windows when using Laigter.. i'll try on windows when i get a PC with it installed. I'll let you know if i can fix it!

Thanks again for your help!