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Probably my favourite so far! I adore the simplicity of the characters, yet they still have their own unique characteristics. And I love LOVE LOVE the gentle progression of the game. Every time I think there can't be anything new on just one island, there's more to do and new mechanics! Honestly this is such a great little game and even though my dumb browzer threw me out of the game I'm just happy to start from the beginning xD

Did you do all of this in the 1 week period??

Wow, thanks a lot for your positive feedback! I am really happy you like the progression and the characters ☺️

Yes, everything was done in a single week. Originally I wanted to spend only 2 days on the game jam, because I was kind of on vacation in Spain and rather wanted to go outside. So I worked around 14 hours on this game each of the first two days. By then, around 50% of the current game were done (but without any sound or music). However I liked the game so much myself that I really wanted to keep going. But because I had already done so much in the first 2 days, there was more than enough time for me to finish the game.

Only thing I did before the jam was to look a bit into how platformers work in GB Studio for an hour to get a rough idea of what could be done, incase I wanted to build a platformer. But I did not use any of my previous test projects. I'm not even sure I saved them.

That's definately something to be proud of! It gets many stars and a +follow from me certainly :D

And when I get around to opening it up on a better browser I'm going to play it through to the end, because I must see what levels those screenshots are from xD

Thanks a lot 🙏
Yeah, that's why I included those screenshots: To feed peoples' curiosity and to show that there is more to the game than one would initially expect.