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I wish the damage ranges were a bit less random, say somewhere between 0.5-1.5 x weapon level.
I also wish there was a more reliable way to upgrade stats, say for instance a shop that lets you level up a stat once at a time for 3 x the stat's current level, so for example 9 gold to upgrade health from lvl 3 to lvl 4 and 12 gold to upgrade from lvl 4 to lvl 5.

(1 edit) (+1)

Good points. 

Yeah, I get what you're saying about damage ranges. I think the only reason why I'm leaning towards the way it is now is that in the way it's currently set up, if you had it set up like the way you're talking, you would ALWAYS hit the person and I want there to be at least a chance that you would miss. 

In regards to the more reliable way of upgrading, one path I had considered was for specialization reels, where as you go through you'd find reels that could swap out with your current reel in the slot machine OR you could just sell it for <x> gold. 

Thank you for your feedback


Ahh, so that's how missing works. A lot of games would make some kind of accuracy stat separate from damage, plus a dodge stat. 

How about this for a hit chance:

100% * (attacker's accuracy/ (target's dodge ability * 2))

Unfortunately, I would have to redo aspects of the game in order to do that. The player has an attack and the mob has an attack and those are the only two stats outside of health and/or amror.