In less than two minutes, I got "Error: the passage "Less creepy" does not exist"
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So I picked up the demo. Resource collection seems to stop at 99 wood, and no matter how much I try, I can't seem to make the 120 needed for the stone mine.
EDIT: suddenly I had 116 logs after buying another worker. After spending 120 of those logs on upgrading log collection speed, I was back to the 99 log cap.
Then I figured out how to sell my logs to get more than 120 of them, enabling me to start building the mine.
So the demo includes:
* tutorials for walking and shooting which can be acessessed from your inventory screen (kudos)
* a toy gun that seemingly has no ammo, and a shooting gallery that can't be completed right away because of that.
* an ammo storage closet that has a dildo mounted to it which the player seemingly cannot interact with
* a hidden ammo stash behind the spawn point which lets you complete the shooting gallery and access a hub area of sorts
* and nothing much more, no interactable doors or entities outside of a typewriter, ink ribbons and storage box.
I'd be interested if there was at least one entity in the game that existed to show off erotic interactions, but the demo has honestly failed to catch my interest.
So I'm going along, confused as can be because I don't know how soulstones are actually earned aside from defeating Death or how an infinity is earned. I'm guessing this is stuff the cat is supposed to tell me, but I must have accidentally locked myself out of that knowledge by denying the cat's offer for help. Is that right?
It's... a thing. Though I'd recommend toning down a couple aspects since not everyone 'gets' slavic culture.
The chief distrusting Dick because Dick doesn't have sex at his workplace is just kinda weird to Western audiences, although the setting of a PD with a 0 % efficiency rate and a whole lot of silenced journos does make it add up somewhat. If anything; rather than just mentioning it out of the blue for a quick joke that Western audiences might not catch onto, you could spin it more overtly as the chief being worried that Dick might seriously get the majority of the department on the hook for grave misconduct. From there, you could come up with some scenarios where the rest of the department tries to create blackmail material to keep him in line.
Say the Chief tells Rick to tell Dick that one of the suspects hid a key piece of evidence in her vagina, so Dick goes into her cell, and as Dick starts to ask about the supposedly squirreled-away evidence, one of the other cops sneaks up with a video camera to make a tape of Dick fisting a suspect to find a piece of evidence that never existed. The tape later gets destroyed in an accident involving a white puddle in the hall where the cops watch "training material", of course.
Second, the binary choice of whether or not to imagine the dominatrix naked threw me for a bit of a loop when the choice to do so came with the word 'gooner' and the choice to not do it and stay task-oriented came with some description along the lines of 'un-masculine'. It makes me want to ask whether the "men are animals and men who don't act the part aren't acting like men" thing I see among slavs is meant to be taken seriously or not, because all I see is a binary choice where both choices seem to insult my masculinity.
The way the camera pans with your mouse movement honestly makes the game feel more difficult than it should. I'd have preferred if the window was more vertical and captured more of the bride, in return for the camera panning less as you move up.
Edit: after beating the legs and getting to the hands, I kept having to restart because the camera instantly cuts up to a point where my cursor's in a wall when I click the symbols on the hands.