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Interesting premise with solid creepy visuals and creepy atmosphere, although poor execution and in desperate need of update.

From what I've read on the game's page, there is going to be a series or continuation for the game. First of all, it would be better to completely remove the weirdest FPS head movement I've ever experienced in the game. It is rather uncomfortable and unnecessary. The environment is already doing the job and making an immersive experience - head tilting took me off the game. Second of all, the interaction - I had a hard time interacting with multiple objects and numerous times I had to do certain interaction in a specific sequence, for example - I could not pick up milk after I picked up Chips and food, so that was another primary issue. 

Other than what is listed above, the game has a potential. I think fixing those minor details would vastly improve the attention and enjoyment for the game. 

Best of luck with the future developments. Cheers! 

Thank you very much for your comments. Considering these, we will try to make the games we make or will do more enjoyable.